Category Archives: Federal Reserve

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day. We hope after watching this video you will know more about what happened in the past and how the world is run today.

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An Early Form Of Capital Controls In America

Something stunning took place earlier this week, and it quietly snuck by, unnoticed by anyone as the “all important” FOMC meeting was looming. That something could have been taken straight out of the playbook of either Cyprus, or Greece, or the USSR “evil empire”, or all three.

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U.S. Quietly Snatches the Ukraine’s Gold Reserves

In an RT news article late last year, it said the Ukrainian Central Bank lost $300,000 in gold but gained very expensive lead. Maybe the Federal Reserve was just trying to help Poroshenko’s forces who were struggling for ammunition at the time.

All countries that were offered “democracy” by the US should have realized by now that everything, i.e. military and diplomatic assistance, extended to them were not for free.

Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, they were all selling their sovereignty for a pittance…

21st Century Wire says…

As the dust settles in Kiev, another money trail has been revealed…

According to reports out of Kiev (see links below), the US has quietly transfers 33 tons of Ukrainian gold out of the country and back to vaults in the US. Presumably, this sovereign wealth transfer would be counted as partial “collateral” for a fresh round of IMF, US FED, and ECB paper debt that is currently being organised for dumping into the Ukraine’s economic black hole.

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Ukraine CB Lost $300,000 in gold, Gained Expensive Lead

Siding with the Nazis these days really has its share of “bad luck”. Ukraine Central Bank just found out it has no gold reserves anymore.

Adding to there woes is an airbase crew report that on July 17 three Ukrainian combat jets took off, and that one of them, an Su-25, was carrying air-to-air missiles.

“After a while only one jet [of the three] returned, which had had those missiles… It returned without the missiles. The pilot was very frightened,” the man said. The employee stressed that only the returned Su-25 had been equipped with air-to-air missiles, and said he was sure it was not air-to-ground missiles.

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