[UPDATED] The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals

Posted by benjamin
May 9, 2012

The elections last weekend in Europe showed the inevitable popular backlash against government mandated austerity. The problem is that the new governments will also find their purses empty unless they start talking with the White Dragon Society. This time, they need to send official embassy representatives with valid IDs and not another batch of anonymous agents. When the new financial system starts up and the criminals are removed from the core of the Western financial system, then money will pour like rain on Europe (it already is in the non-cabal controlled part of the world).

The basic outlines of the new system are as follows: The US dollars owned by people outside of the US (and those created before 2008 in the US) will be backed by gold and a basket of commodities and other currencies. This will then become the international dollar (or perhaps international yen or yuan) and be used to facilitate world trade. The Euro will be split into a fortified Deutschemark shared by Northern countries while the Mediterranean countries will revert to their traditional currencies and devalue them until their real economies are competitive enough. This will be followed by a one off massive debt write off.

To read about the back-room maneuvers leading to the birth of the new financial system please help finance our investigations by subscribing to this newsletter or else, if you cannot afford it, ask a friend to e-mail you a copy.

The maneuvers behind the setting up the new system involve a reunion between some old shady business partners: the CIA and their Asian secret society counterparts from the golden triangle days. This time instead of dealing in heroin (although the golden triangle may soon be back in that business) they will be dealing in black gold. This will provide for the continued financing of the military industrial secret society complex until they are able to restructure their organizations so they are once again self-financed. All Freemasons, P2ers, Thule Society and other secret groupings may join the party by contacting the White Dragon Society.

The condition attached is an agreement to participate in a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and free the suppressed technology.

The old world order folk, for their part, are once again resorting to terrorist blackmail. There are credible reports of a massive terrorist attack against the Tokyo area on or about May 22nd. This attack is linked to a cabal plan to force 40 million Japanese to evacuate to Korea and China. The cabalists were then hoping to open a new world financial nexus in a special zone being constructed near Pusan, Korea. Their plan involved using easy to manipulate Korean Christians as a buffer between the Khazarian rulers and their new Asian subjects.

The increased radiation hype and fear mongering is also being orchestrated by the old world order. This writer found a suspicious looking lady (actually my dog, who never barks, found her by walking in a circle around her barking) in the park near my house. This was on a rainy day following two weeks of heavy rain coming from the Fukushima area around the sabotaged (courtesy of J. Rockefeller) nuclear plants. She was standing near a nexus of accumulated rain water with one Geiger counter in her hand and another on the ground. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she was testing for radiation. I asked her to show me the Geiger counters and they both registered only normal background radiation.

The local electronic shop sells 50 dollar Geiger counters these days and all paranoid people are buying them and becoming reassured.

Nonetheless, this dangerous cabal is not going to go quietly into the night and we would like to ask the US armed forces, if they are serious about maintaining a defense treaty with Japan, to round up the known cabalists (they have the names and addresses of the committee of 300 etc.) before they carry out any more mass murder.

It is also becoming clear that Chinese agents linked to Bo Xilai approached this writer in February with an offer of money. The offer was to start a joint venture between a Chinese company based in Dalian (Bo’s power base) and Fireside Stoves, a wood-burning stove import company this writer owns 10% of. The idea was to utilize Fireside’s Japan-wide network of stove dealers and roof-top construction workers to install Dalian manufactured combination solar and wind power generators on roof-tops throughout Japan.

The Chinese offered to list this planned 50/50 joint venture on the Hong Kong stock exchange and raise an initial $100 million in capital. This venture would then have been able to directly fight against the cabal’s control of the global energy business.

The Chinese agent returned later to say that the deal was off because of Bo Xilai’s arrest.
My best guess is that Bo Xilai was linked to a Rothschild faction and that P2 lodge types were somehow involved in the incident that led to his downfall. This is because P2 honcho Mario Draghi appeared on Xinhua news shaking hands with Bo rival Li Keqiang shortly after the downfall of Bo Xilai. Li Keqiang is also famous for having stayed at the house of Rockefeller Japan agent Ichiro Ozawa when he was a student.

Ozawa was offered the lucrative rights to radiation clean up agent Zeolite by J. Rockefeller on March 9th, 2011. This was two days before the tsunami and nuclear sabotage at the Rockefeller nuclear facilities in Fukushima.

Needless to say some speculation is involved here but the Chinese are investigating the entire issue very thoroughly and I am sure they will find out the truth. However, they should entertain and investigate the possibility that Bo was framed, especially given the role played by the US embassy in this incident.

It is also worth repeating here that this writer is in no way a Rothschild agent. I have no Rothschild blood in me and have never received a penny from them. On the contrary, I seek the end of their secret regime of murder, terror and bribery. I also plan to charge them along with some members of the Rockefeller family with various murders here in Japan.

What needs to be seen in the coming weeks is if the US military and agencies are really the good guys who are ready to resume their role as super heroes and protectors of the planet earth. If they are, they can be assured of generous continued financing as they restructure themselves for a period of global peace and prosperity.

There is a fellow by the name of Drake going around the various anti-cabal internet sites promising pentagon action and mass arrests in June. Neil Keenan confirms that Drake is a genuine US military person authorized to speak within limited parameters. If he is for real and the military is serious, they need to force the corporate media to start reporting the truth and they need to suspend from office all politicians who have been bribed by the cabal. That means most politicians.

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Posted by benjamin
May 8, 2012

The elections last weekend in Europe showed the inevitable popular backlash against government mandated austerity. The problem is that the new governments will also find their purses empty unless they start talking with the White Dragon Society. This time, they need to send official embassy representatives with valid IDs and not another batch of anonymous agents. When the new financial system starts up and the criminals are removed from the core of the Western financial system, then money will pour like rain on Europe (it already is in the non-cabal controlled part of the world).

The basic outlines of the new system are as follows: The US dollars owned by people outside of the US (and those created before 2008 in the US) will be backed by gold and a basket of commodities and other currencies. This will then become the international dollar (or perhaps international yen or yuan) and be used to facilitate world trade. The Euro will be split into a fortified Deutschemark shared by Northern countries while the Mediterranean countries will revert to their traditional currencies and devalue them until their real economies are competitive enough. This will be followed by a one off massive debt write off.
To read about the back-room maneuvers leading to the birth of the new financial system please help finance our investigations by subscribing to this newsletter or else, if you cannot afford it, ask a friend to e-mail you a copy.

The maneuvers behind the setting up the new system involve a reunion between some old shady business partners: the CIA and their Asian secret society counterparts from the golden triangle days. This time instead of dealing in heroin (although the golden triangle may soon be back in that business) they will be dealing in black gold. This will provide for the continued financing of the military industrial secret society complex until they are able to restructure their organizations so they are once again self-financed. All Freemasons, P2ers, Thule Society and other secret groupings may join the party by contacting the White Dragon Society.

The condition attached is an agreement to participate in a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and free the suppressed technology.

The old world order folk, for their part are once again resorting to terrorist blackmail. There are credible reports of a massive terrorist attack against the Tokyo area on or about May 22nd. This attack is linked to a cabal plan to force 40 million Japanese to evacuate to Korea and China. The cabalists were then hoping to open a new world financial nexus in a special zone being constructed near Pusan, Korea. Their plan involved using easy to manipulate Korean Christians as a buffer between the Khazarian rulers and their new Asian subjects.

The increased radiation hype and fear mongering is also being orchestrated by the old world order. This writer found a suspicious looking lady (actually my dog, who never barks, found her by walking in a circle around her barking) in the park near my house. This was on a rainy day following two weeks of heavy rain coming from the Fukushima area around the sabotaged (courtesy of J. Rockefeller) nuclear plants. She was standing near a nexus of accumulated rain water with one Geiger counter in her hand and another on the ground. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she was testing for radiation. I asked her to show me the Geiger counters and they both registered only normal background radiation.

The local electronic shop sells 50 dollar Geiger counters these days and all paranoid people are buying them and becoming reassured.

However, this dangerous cabal is not going to go quietly into the night and we would like to ask the US armed forces, if they are serious about maintaining a defense treaty with Japan, to round up the known cabalists (they have the names and addresses of the committee of 300 etc.) before they carry out any more mass murder.

It is also becoming clear that Chinese agents linked to Bo Xilai approached this writer in February with an offer of money. The offer was to start a joint venture between a Chinese company based in Dalian (Bo’s power base) and Fireside Stoves, a wood-burning stove import company this writer owns 10% of. The idea was to utilize Fireside’s Japan-wide network of stove dealers and roof-top construction workers to install Dalian manufactured combination solar and wind power generators on roof-tops throughout Japan.

The Chinese offered to list this planned 50/50 joint venture on the Hong Kong stock exchange and raise an initial $100 million in capital. This venture would then have been able to directly fight against the cabal’s control of the global energy business.

The Chinese agent returned later to say that the deal was off because of Bo Xilai’s arrest.

My best guess is that Bo Xilai was linked to a Rothschild faction and that P2 lodge types were somehow involved in the incident that led to his downfall. This is because P2 honcho Mario Draghi appeared on Xinhua news shaking hands with Bo rival Li Keqiang shortly after the downfall of Bo Xilai. Needless to say there is a lot of speculation involved here but the Chinese are investigating the entire issue very thoroughly and I am sure they will find out the real truth. However, they should entertain and investigate the possibility that Bo was framed, especially given the role played by the US embassy in this incident.

It is also worth repeating here that this writer is in no way a Rothschild agent. I have no Rothschild blood in me and have never received a penny from them. On the contrary, I seek the end of their secret regime of murder, terror and bribery. I also plan to charge them along with some members of the Rockefeller family with various murders here in Japan.

What needs to be seen in the coming weeks is if the US military and agencies are really the good guys who are ready to resume their role as super heroes and protectors of the planet earth. If they are, they can be assured of generous continued financing as they restructure themselves for a period of global peace and prosperity.

There is a fellow by the name of Drake going around the various anti-cabal internet sites promising pentagon action and mass arrests in June. Neil Keenan confirms that Drake is a genuine US military person authorized to speak within limited parameters. If he is for real and the military is serious, they need to force the corporate media to start reporting the truth and they need to suspend from office all politicians who have been bribed by the cabal. That means most politicians.

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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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11 thoughts on “[UPDATED] The White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles. Plus: inside report on secret financial deals”

  1. So the White Dragon Society now works with the various outlaw groups and criminal factions? Lovely.

    One is known by the company they keep.

    I’ve known for a while now that the WDS and the Freemasons have been working together. They’re getting rid of the Rockefellers – a Masonic offshoot – while keeping the same groups emplaced. The problem is, once you have a group that has not only condoned and tolerated what they’ve done, but actively participated in it as well, you don’t just continue working with the group after shedding a few pounds of scapegoats from your organization. This is because you now have an outlaw group as a whole.

    The stuff the P2, Rockefellers, etc. have been doing over the past few hundred years would not have been possible if the Freemasons had disclosed certain spiritual and metaphysical information to the public, rather than suppress it as it has regrettably done. The information would have made the political corruption impossible, because the public would have an understanding of just what the results would be on a personal level of participating in all that. Instead, the Freemasons used advanced, proprietary social networking techniques to enable the problem. When they did so, they manifestly became a part of it. Tolerating the continued operation of the outlaw groups, let alone working with them, would be like taking someone found guilty of a lifetime of treason and crime, and giving them a “do-over”.

    That is not right, and the White Dragon Society forfeits any claim it had to legitimacy by participating with them as well. It may have the physical gold, but there are liabilities involved that haven’t been disclosed to the public that make the Neil Keenan lawsuit look like a case in Small Claims Court. There are some debts that are more significant than the mere financial, and all the involved groups are currently in default on them. So it’s appropriate that they are now working together; all of these groups are, when regarded from this level, indistinguishable.

  2. I agree, very strange indeed that the white hats want to deal with the Freemason and other groups directly involved in this mess. I start to doubt about what is saying Mr Fulflord. Those secret lodges must be closed down or all this would have been done for nothing.

  3. While I must take some of what Mr. Fulford publicizes with a grain of salt, much of it – and indeed this part – appears to be unfortunately accurate.

    Consider: The cabals grew into prominence over hundreds of years, in a society predominated by the Freemasons. The conventional story has been that the Freemasons were simply powerless to stop their growth, but this is not true, for the reasons I have stated. Instead, my findings have been that the Freemasons have actively facilitated the growth of the cabals. And been effectively indistinguishable from them.

    Fulford has also stated that the Rockefellers have been attempting to hack their way into Japan’s government since the 1850’s, and this appears to be accurate too. There have been cultural phenomenon indicating that the cabals have been attempting to establish covert social networks throughout Japan. Again, we encounter the public cover story that Japan was simply incapable of effectively checking these inroads. But this doesn’t work either, not only because Japan could have released the same metaphysical and spiritual information the Masons could have – and didn’t – which would have effectively stopped the encroachment, but also because they had the same networks of trained martial artists back then that they have today. They could have resolved the problem with swift reprisals at any time, but did not.

    The result is that we now have the Asian societies and the Freemasons as willing accomplices to the cabals’ growth, and yet in this day and age they purport to be the ones sorting it out. The back-and-forth between the cabals and the White Dragon Society and patriots, is more or less a staged tug-o’-war designed to restore investor confidence in general governance, while retaining the same groups in place that have always been creating the problems.

    In doing that, these groups have long been working together and the result has been a massive kharmic debt. It would not be correct for the public to give them any credibility, but getting this understanding out to people effectively seems unlikely. Fortunately, there is never any ducking such a large debt in a spiritual or metaphysical venue. This is because the fundamental principles of metaphysics do not, and cannot, alter. Thus, there is no way to escape justice for them. But, I had wanted them to at least resolve the problem and make things better, which they so far refuse to do.

    Interestingly, their scenario in rounding up the cabals more or less emulates the situation at this kharmic level: There literally is no place they can find refuge from this justice, because it’s inescapable. So they know quite well what they’re talking about, and their depiction of the mass arrests is, oddly, self-referential on their part. I suspect the Keenan lawsuit was also designed to be a placeholder or metaphor for the kharmic debt, but the metaphor is necessarily empty and void while they’re still violating spiritual laws; it would be like having a known fraud provide testimony in court, without even being sworn in.

    (Twitter: @SatoriTindalos)

    1. Congratulations, Satori, but all for naught?

      You speak my language and it all resonates well with me. Unfortunately, you and I (and dims, here) are just a few who know what is really happening and, although logic, morality and intelligence drives our views, the fact still remains that we are so few. Additionally, I fear that our ramblings not only fall on deaf ears, but the ears of those it would seem to also resonate well with are kind of like a group of people that have skipped a generation. like that of male pattern baldness or something. It never seems to stick, even in the minds of those who know (or should know) better.

      I have tried, as you have with your comments here, to appeal to the intelligence of any part of the masses by posting on well-trafficked sites and some fringe ones as well and I can literally feel through replies, and/or lack thereof, eyes glazing over in some sort of, I don’t know, denial or something…

      I have, alternatively, also tried to state in the simplest way possible our plight:

      “The whole world is broke – out of money. Where did all of the money go? It was stolen by those who already had everything. Those with the money break the laws. If it even appears to be a possibility that these crooks will be prosecuted, then they simply bribe (lobby) the government to change the laws in their favor while maintaining that only they could take advantage of these new laws. If, by chance, any legislation which gets proposed that would, in any way, threaten to hold the criminals responsible, then these rich people will resort to anything to prevent it – up to and including murder.”

      You might be surprised how even this simplistic explanation elicits denial and arguments, not to mention an almost complete lack of support for the truth as I wrote it.

      When a well thought out argument filled with evidence and documented facts incriminating even a single act of these cabalists doesn’t work and a simple and banal explanation of the overall-encompassing issue both fail to even get a positive forward dialogue going, there appears to not even be a middle ground which can be exploited in an attempt to effect a change.

      So, stubborn-minded as I am, I refuse to give up and have come up with a process which some would say is a little outside of the box, so to speak. Interested? Hope so, because here it is:

      “An established website needs to be utilized with names of well-known criminals and, more importantly, all the documents providing PROOF of their crimes. These documents could be printed out by anyone and carried (in-hand) with groups of citizens going out and making citizen’s arrests of these criminals. Cameras need to be filming each affair with the words that need to be spoken at the time of detention being put on this website as well. Weapons, both lethal and non-lethal, will also be required and little hesitation of using the non-lethal weapons during any resistance and lethal force used if weapons appear, for example, by their bodyguards.

      Must be an ESTABLISHED website.

      Undeniable PROOF in document form available.

      The process of arrest to be CLEARLY spelled out.

      Detention is to be documented ON CAMERA.

      This IS possible – and any lawyer with a modicum of a conscience could help.”

      If this sounds familiar, great. I have been posting it and even had it asked on the air of Drake on his last Wolf Spirit Radio broadcast (5/6/12). If this is to work, it has to be started by several websites to begin with, and when those are shut down (as is inevitable) ten times as many MUST immediately replace them. This will be the one act which will FORCE them to shut down the internet altogether and their placement of this web thingy that they set up, being seen as a crutch for many, just may be the eye-opener which will be needed.

      This practically foolproof idea (even if it is not foolproof then I would minimally call it the best laid plan to date) still has not appeared to have caught on, yet. Another important facet of this process is that of plausible deniability. Since I have come up with the idea, I CANNOT implement the next step myself, that of setting up the sites or changing existing ones. And the people setting up the sites CANNOT provide the information on it themselves. And the people involved up to this stage CANNOT make the arrests. And the people making the arrests CANNOT have anything to do with the setting up of these sites. This process makes the taking out of any ONE site alone consist of dozens of people, some of whom would be lawyers and, hopefully, other officials. The plausible deniability can be taken even further, for instance, by a person having someone else (preferably in another state) begin the website implementation.

      When the elite fight back against this, which must be considered practically a no-brainer even though the Constitution is on our side, each stage can place the deniability on a previous stage of origination. The citizens making arrests can (and most likely will) say they got the idea from a website. The makers of the websites can point to contributors of the information, etc. All of this can be pointed to me and my postings (like this one) and the fact that the idea has even been mentioned on the air, in a public venue with many listening in. They could take me out, with me being the originator, but this would not change the process that would have already taken place and, hopefully, popularly instrumental at this point, and even I have some deniability myself by not having acted upon any of it. This could conceivably be a logistical nightmare for them.

      All that is needed is for an idea like this to catch on…

  4. So we take the same responsible of the debt and the crimes all over the planet and we start from scratch. That is bullshit, they must prepare something, the Cabal, the Sabatean, the white hats have the same objective, they must work together after all. Maybe they want to fool the people with those stories to prepare the coming of their messia, the antechrist…Or maybe, it is just the power passing from the old folks to the new ones…Anyway, that is bullshit, I only hope that the people will not act like sheep as they have been doing for the past hundred years…

  5. Let’s consider the task at hand, which is to remove the evil cabals, and bring in a peaceful coexistence of mankind on the earth is it not?
    Your first thought should be to define who are the leaders of the evil cabals and have them arrested and punished. Your next step would be to replace these leaders with leaders who promote world peace and the feeding of the hungry and the healing of the nations, am I correct? You may be considering abolishing the FED and the central banking systems across the globe, thus eliminating usury or interest on borrowing money. You may also be considering a world wide Jubilee Sabbath where all debts are forgiven. The next likely step would be to implement some kind of socialistic systems world wide, to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, shelter the homeless, exonerate the falsely accused, and rehabilitate the criminal element.

    Certainly Christ then could not to us, hungry was I and you didn’t feed me, naked was I and you didn’t cloth me and imprisoned and you didn’t visit me. Truthfully, even if we were able to accomplish all these things, there would still arise the last and final world empire.

    This world empire, which we appear to be living in today, will bring the earth to a chaotic state. Out of this last world empire, with the world in chaos will arise the one who will bring order out of this chaos, as it is demanded by the peoples. He will bring in the one world government and religious system that Christians are expecting. We can not stop this, but we can prolong it by doing our best exploits, and that’s just exactly what we will do, and here is how.

    First we must look at the evil cabals, as you call them, for what they are. They are small groups of people belonging to secret societies, fraternities and organizations that are sympathetic to Satan, which by the way, they consider to be Lucifer.

    They can not fathom the concept of calling eternal things in and out of existence. Meaning, God changed Lucifer’s name to Satan, and consequently has used this simple method of bringing an eternal beautiful Angle, a Covering Cherub, out of existence, and like manner has brought into existence a dark angle with no glory or honor. That creature named Lucifer ceased to exist when God changed his name. This little method is reserved for God only and has remained hidden from mankind. So it is possible to bring an eternal being out of existence by a simple name change for names carry meanings.
    On the other hand, man can call Satan “Lucifer” all they want, and they will never resurrect him, he is no more.

    Sorry about that, I got off the subject somewhat. Satan is the head of the cabals. The cabals are lead by thirteen of the most powerful dynasties on the face of the earth. I like to call the Satanic Sanhedrin. Some call them just plane old money. What ever you want to call them, they practice the crafts and sorcery and have existed for centuries. These dynasties set up phony foundations to act as tax shelters and to allow grants and scholarships to students that belong to families that carry out the wishes of the Satanic Sanhedrin. They have infiltrated organizations like the masons, now called freemasons, the Jesuits, Round table groups, almost all secret societies, the list is endless.

    It would literally take hundreds of years to uncover and punish all those involved by our own means. The Satanic cabal system is like the Redwood Forest, it is one huge organism, supported by one main root system. You could hack away for years and not even dent the immense forest. You need to poison the main root. The problem is that the cabal is not going to let you near the root. You can not even determine its location. The only thing you could do is locate some of the root hairs and poison them. The main root would need to cut itself off from those poisoned root hairs or it would kill the whole Redwood Forest system.

    This would be like abolishing the FED and the central banking systems of the world, getting rid of speculative markets and toxic derivatives, which are a main source of nourishment to the satanic system. This will not kill the satanic parasites, but it will make it necessary for it to create different channels for its lifeblood. This period of reorganization would take some time, and weaken the root system.

    If we could take back control of the media sources, and get them on our side, this would also seriously weaken the structure of the satanic system and the parasites would begin to get real nervous. We all know what that will lead to. Nervous people make big mistakes and act hastily, especially when they are starving.

    Eventually the main root will be exposed, thus the main dynasties that are controlling the wealth of the nations well be open for exploitation and can easily be destroyed without any major incident. Yes there will be a hell of allot of big businesses that will struggle to keep the leading dynasties hidden for their life blood also depends on them, but they will fall as well. Big pharma, big oil, utilities companies, huge contractors especially those with government contracts like Halliburton will be some of your biggest enemies, because they stand to loose the most when the real parasites crawl out.
    Nevertheless like I said earlier, you can’t stop the inevitable, you can merely prolong it. In the end, the lack of every persons repentance of his own sinful ways, and lack of love for others, and lack of worship of God will bring upon us the last final awful dictator and his one world government.

  6. The nature of the situation, which groups have part of that agenda, the methods used, the agenda’s direction and what must be done to resolve the situation have all been popularly misconstrued.

    A certain proportion of the demographic, in any country or point in time, have always been telepathic. Additionally, they have a psionic means of sending or receiving information to each other along the timeline, and they work together. They have been altering events and situations throughout this timeline on an ongoing basis. It doesn’t cause a temporal paradox as is commonly believed; the situation merely alters retroactively in accordance with what they’ve done. This society, for lack of any better term, of people work together all throughout the timeline. They comprise a lot of the core personnel of the Freemasons, the Vatican, and the Asian societies that form the basis of the White Dragon Society. These covert groups then have various overt politicians and so forth in their keep. So they’re all complicit, and the staged tug-o’-war between apparent friends of humanity and the networks of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have all been just so much paper-shuffling.

    This society engages in an agenda which I term “The Masquerade”. While these people are quite in the know – no security clearance system on earth can keep out nonlocalized consciousness – they consistently either play dumb and pose as just another average, “sleeper” citizen, or they take on a position of importance within one of the various societies (or the media, or politics, etc.) and purport to be “one of the good guys”. They’ll talk a lot of sense up to a certain point, but will either offer a limited context that doesn’t address the more fundamental problems their people have been causing, or the integrity of their position will degrade over time until the new thing they’re selling is little better than what it’s been striving to replace. The result has been that humanity is being perpetually sold one intentionally defective solution after another. It happened with the Catholic Church, which purported to support a Divine set of standards and later compromised them to become a glorified espionage and propaganda network with religious trappings. It happened with the Freemasons, who claimed to break away from that and established a system of government whose people swore oaths to uphold Divinely-bestowed rights – and then fell through as well. We’re now encountering the latest round of it, with the White Dragon Society purporting to clean out the corruption – only to become little better themselves.

    The people engaged in this Masquerade are part of an agenda by a very large chunk of consciousness indeed, applying its Will towards continuing to manifest Spacetime. The mystics have been telling us for thousands of years that Space and Time aren’t real, and I know firsthand that they were correct. Its nature is that of a tulpa, sustained purely by the Willpower of the people Choosing it. The agenda has always been to cause the majority of the masses to Choose things that were in conflict with an absolute set of Divine values, because the result was that they spent their lives rejecting Divine Will and, instead, Choosing to manifest a substitution of something else in its place. All that shared, collective Will manifests Spacetime as an unreal, but seemingly legitimate, alternative to the eternal, timeless, Loving perfection which has always been the true state of Creation.

    These people comprise a significant percentage of the demographic, and I’m not at all certain they’re not in the majority at this point. Most of their people are not big-name people, and they live otherwise ordinary lives. Also noteworthy is that they know precisely the kind of Choice they’re making, and ultimately have no reason to make it; they’re aware that it’s the Choice for suffering for themselves and others, yet they’ve been making it anyway. (Research the true nature of Columbia, featured on the Statue of Liberty, sometime and you’ll see what I mean; it’s a consistent and blatant Choice.) In making that Choice, they’re also aware of the kharmic debt they incur on a personal level. It’s an absurd agenda, but we do not have the technology to stop them.

    Eventually, they will un-make their Choice. The results will be retroactive, and more and more of the suffering throughout the timeline will disappear as it’s redrafted, and revised, and redrafted again. When this happens (if “when” is even the right word to use), the eventual result will be the un-doing of the timeline completely. It has always been a fantasy alternative model of reality, wallpapered over true Creation. When they divest of their Choice for the Masquerade, the situation will resolve automatically. Until they do, nothing will work, and they’ve been making sure that’s the case.

    They’re basically enforcing the concept of Original Sin, all throughout the timeline. Sin is an unreal thing, and the point of the Christian Resurrection was that the true state of Creation will overcome that illusion. True Creation is not binary, not based in the fairytale of “good and evil”. There is only perfection. We’re living in a diorama, an alternate realm that alleges constantly that the Choice for sin was made – the Choice to dissociate from our Maker and our True State, the Choice to attempt to usurp our Maker as the central point and authority in Creation, and to emplace ourselves there instead. Many reasons have been given for this: a misunderstanding, a desire to control, and so on. But none of those arguments make the slightest bit of sense. The Choice to dissociate would have had to have been made in our True State, while we were still in alignment with perfection. There would have been no possible motivator to make such a Choice for anything lesser; it’s simply not in our nature. The events within Spacetime, however, constantly allege that such a Choice was made. And these people continue to engineer such events and circumstances.

    So the Good News here was that, in a true sense, none of this ever happened. And the situation will restore itself retroactively. But while we live in it, there isn’t a whole lot to be done and efforts to do so are invariably sabotaged anyway. Perhaps the only solution is to be the best person it’s possible to be, and if everyone made that sort of Choice we’d force their hand sooner rather than later.

    I’m not optimistic about conveying an understanding of that to enough people to be able to make things better, particularly amidst constant obstruction by them. But I did think it was important to speak the truth to people in the here and now, so that at least someone would. Engaging in the struggle with them has just been another enticement they’ve use to attempt to keep me locked into an unworthy situation.

    So while a political solution is certainly needed and utterly deserved, you’d probably do well to look for a greater overall solution. Any sort of social machine that’s designed to perform a specific function, such as ensuring rights, or resolving corruption, has been invariably subverted by these people. Even churches have been. For these people, it’s pretty much been like a centuries-long game of Punch Yourself In The Eye – winning has been easy for them, but there’s no reason at all to play it, they’re certainly not enjoying it, and they can’t keep doing it forever. It’s just absurd and pointless – certain militaristic regimes in history have been designed to emulate overtly what these people have been playing at discreetly, but I won’t name them specifically and probably don’t need to anyway.

    Last point here: IP-Less, you wrote, “I have, alternatively, also tried to state in the simplest way possible our plight”. Never forget, the plight is theirs. The liability? Theirs. Sin and debt are unreal things, and the Choice for one is the Choice to manifest the other. That Choice is theirs, and so is the problem. There’s no escaping the results of ones’ own Choices in Creation. None. The fundamental spiritual and metaphysical laws don’t vary, and they’re not subject to human tampering. So there’s no reason to let them run you ragged trying to sort out a situation that’s on them to resolve, and always was. I’ve given them opportunities to resolve it, attempted to assist them in transitioning to a more functional situation, and they’ve continually refused it in favor of the same old Choice they’ve been making throughout this cul-de-sac of a timeline. At this point, they’re pretty much stuck with the kharmic debt until they opt to undo what they’re currently manifesting – and from here at least, I’d say they’re pretty much welcome to it.

    Be well,

    – Satori

  7. what if a old tribal man told me he has a cave filled with 9 million Metric tons of gold the japanese soldiers put there…is he crazy or shall we go after it…only need couple hundred thousand to prove it.

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